
On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, Ms. Oelschlaeger took six students to Salina to compete at FFA Agronomy Judging. Agronomy Judging is the evaluating of plants, crops, seeds, and farm equipment. 

For the Senior team, White City had Cody Brown, Jacob Kasten, Landon Parker, and Ian Effland.  Overall, the Senior team placed 3rd, which was good enough to earn a plaque. 

For the Greenhand team, of younger students, Jhet Johnson and Colter Johnson were in attendance.  The team did a respectable job in the competition.

Agronomy consisted of a plant ID task involving, for example, weeds, plants, and seeds. There was also a 22 question test that comprised general questions about crops.  Additionally, there was a math section, where the competitor had to calculate seed population. The students were taught how to properly dock seeds for bad characteristics, and how to tell if a seed was in good condition.

This was all hosted at the Tony's Pizza Event Center. This was held at the same time as the Farm show, so after the judging, while everyone was waiting for the results the students were allowed to tour the Farm show. There were numerous brands at the farm show, and some booths were even selling tools, and other items.