
The week of Dr. Suess's birthday was Dr. Suess week here in White City. He would be 120! Dr. Suess, famous children's author, was born March 2, 1904.  He died September 24, 1991.

On Monday, it was Pajama Day.  Many kids and even a few of our upperclassmen got cozied up in their best sleepwear. All of the different pajamas varied, but at least they were all warm because of how chilly it had been outside.

Tuesday was a green day for green eggs and ham. It almost looked like St. Patrick’s day, with a bunch of students wearing their green attire. 

Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday. So many people had their missed-matched outfit on, with some crazy hair too. It looked like a rainbow in the school with everyone's bright crazy colors and patterns! 

Thursday was a very eventful day. There were a lot of events including the Youth Entrepreneurship event and an assembly about Dr. Suess. There was a coloring contest and one student from each grade won. If you won, you could win a prize, like a special pencil and cup.  Thursday was Hat Day. There were some people who wore ball caps or stocking hats.

Overall, it was a fun week celebrating the legacy of Dr. Suess on his 120th birthday!